Explore our Courses

Explore Our Courses

Explore our Courses

Whether you are a coach, instructor, judge, school teacher for gymnastics, or performing a club role, our aim is to provide the expertise you need. Here you can explore courses and qualifications we've developed to help you perform your role to the highest standards. We also have a range of CPD modules and courses to assist you in both remaining up to date and broadening your knowledge and skills. Our courses are recognised nationally and internationally.

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Featured Courses

DMT Development Coach

This is an exciting blended course, made up of face-to-face practical and online learning. It aims to provide you with the knowledge, understanding, and skills required to safely develop a broad range of DMT skills, including double somersaults. You will also explore key discipline-specific topics, such as developing an effective approach to the DMT, exercise construction, calculating difficulty and planning and periodisation for DMT.

As a minimum you must have attended your Level 3 Coaching Theory Course to be eligible to enrol onto this practical course.

Eating Disorder Awareness

This CPD module has been developed in partnership with Beat, the UK's leading Eating Disorder Charity.

As a Coach or Welfare Officer you might have gymnasts who come into the gym with an already diagnosed eating disorder, or a gymnast may develop one whilst they are a member. For these reasons we want to give you information and support, to not only manage what can be a challenging situation, but to ensure gymnasts are appropriately supported and safe when participating in gymnastics.

At British Gymnastics we want to create positive experiences for all and ensure that the gymnasts are at the heart of our sport. Providing education on this topic aims to support you to be more capable in your role.

Here’s some feedback we’ve already gained:

“Everyone should do it if they work with gymnasts.”

“It really does get the point across and makes you realise what others might be going through, and their daily struggles.”

“Excellent module. Very well thought out, very clear, very thought-provoking.”

“This is a really positive step forwards as a piece of education for our community.”

Gymnastics Activity Instructor

After completion of this course you will be able to independently deliver fun and safe gymnastics-based physical activity to school-aged children and adults.

You will learn about your responsibilities when delivering in different gymnastics environments, the different instructing skills you can use to effectively deliver and strategies that will help you adapt your sessions to meet the needs of your participants.

This course is a great choice if you are new to delivering gymnastics, want to deliver low-level gymnastics skills to recreational participants or can’t decide what path you want to take just yet. Explore the course information further to help you decide whether this course is the right one for you.

Want to see what the new course looks like? Take a look at the Gymnastics Activity Instructor trailer below:

Introduction to Talent Development

This eLearning CPD module is for coaches qualified to Level 2 (or equivalent) and above.

Everyone has an important role to play in developing talent. From recreational gymnastics right up to High-Performance, talent can be recognised and developed at any stage of an individual’s sporting life. Coaches play a significant role in creating positive environments where every gymnast’s potential can be realised. If you're more aware of talent development, you're more likely to be able to help your gymnasts reach their full potential!

Focusing on Age and Maturation, and Models of Development, the Introduction to Talent Development Module aims to give you an introduction to developing talent. The module explores current knowledge of talent development, factors affecting talent development, and how this might impact your coaching practice, therefore helping you to be more capable in your role as a coach. Reflective questions are also embedded throughout the module to help you to consider talent development in their own coaching practice and club.

Here’s some feedback we’ve already gained from this module:

It is a very useful piece of education for both recreational and performance coaches.'

‘I loved completing the course, it was interesting and engaging. I enjoyed listening to the voiceover and the videos were inspiring.’

‘I thought this had a lot of knowledge in and will be really useful to a lot of coaches. It wouldn't matter if they were in a recreational setting and wanted to know how their gymnasts were developing, or a coach that has talented performers and is looking at how best to help them progress.’

‘The reflective questions were very useful in guiding a coach's reflection and emphasising what aspects they should be focusing on when working on talent development in their clubs.’

‘Having a section to reflect did make me think about my own coaching practice, those of my colleagues and the clubs as a whole. It also made me reflect on my practice in recreational and competitive gymnastics as I work across the 2.’

Love to Move Deliverer Training

Love to Move is an age and dementia friendly seated movement programme developed by the British Gymnastics Foundation. The programme has its roots taken from gymnastics and uses specially designed coordination and bilaterally asymmetrical movement patterns, which are thought to have the effect of increasing a person’s cognitive reserve. Due to its primary focus being cognitive enhancement and engagement of older people, Love to Move is inherently different from other exercise programmes. Research on the programme to date has identified that Love to Move can make a significant impact on the quality of life for older people; and in particular, those living with dementia. Case studies are showing that many people are re-gaining the ability to engage with others and physical functions such as walking and feeding themselves. Deliverers, Carers, and family members have described some of the benefits for participants including; being more alert and communicative at the end of the class; feeling calmer and sleeping better; improved confidence, self-esteem, and well-being; improved balance and co-ordination; and feeling happier to mix and socialise with others.

"Delivering the Love to Move programme can be extremely rewarding. Seeing someone talk for the first time since coming to your sessions; watching them smile; seeing families reconnect; and hearing about the improvement in the participant's quality of life and that of their family, is a privilege. The classes are a lot of fun and close connections are built. The impact the sessions have on people's well-being is truly heartwarming." Love to Move Deliverer.

This training programme equips you to run sessions in Care Homes or community settings. It gives you the knowledge and understanding necessary to deliver the Love to Move sessions with no prior qualifications.

Professional Practice in High-Performance Coaching

The Professional Practice in High-Performance Coaching (PPiHPC) is designed for those who are passionate about creating positive High-Performance coaching environments.  It aims to enhance your existing knowledge as a performance coach by broadening your understanding of the concepts that underpin high-performance settings and effective. 

Behind every gymnast or club is a coach, or group of coaches, whose primary aim is to optimise performance.  To meet this aim, you must learn about the art of reflection, leadership and how your actions and behaviours shape the creation of high-performing environments for the gymnasts you work with. 

This course forms part of the High-Performance Coach (Cycle 8) accreditation. It is primarily aimed at Level 4 (or equivalent) coaches wishing to hold the High-Performance Coach (Cycle 8) accreditation. The course is blended learning with face-to-face and online elements delivered by expert practitioners in their respective fields. 

Please note: The PPiHPC accreditation on its own does not qualify a learner to High Performance Coach (HPC) status or guarantee a place on HPC technical courses.  Full HPC status is only gained with both the PPiHPC & the equivalent HPC discipline specific course (Cycle 6, 7 or 8 dependent on discipline).

Safeguarding and Protecting Children (UK Coaching)

We have partnered up with UK Coaching to provide you with a gymnastics specific safeguarding and protecting children course that is perfect for anyone looking to do their initial safeguarding certificate.

This interactive course is delivered online, led by a trained UK Coaching tutor. It uses both sport and gymnastics specific scenarios to explore how to recognise and respond to concerns a child may be experiencing, or be at risk of experiencing, harm, neglect, or abuse. It also provides key information about British Gymnastics policies and procedures, to ensure anyone working with children in the gymnastics environment understands how to keep them safe.

Want to enrol on the course or find out more? Click here to visit the UK Coaching website. Please note you will have to register (for free) with UK Coaching to access the course.

You can also complete this course as a refresher to fulfil your requirement to update your training every 3 years.

Safeguarding Children in Gymnastics (2022 refresher)

This eLearning is designed for those who have previously attended the face to face Safeguarding workshop or previously completed our 2019 online refresher. This online safeguarding refresher provides information and good practice guidelines to renew your existing child protection knowledge. It ensures you remain confident in: recognising signs of abuse; reporting concerns; protecting children from harm; what it means to be in a Position of Trust; and the importance of adhering to the Standards of Conduct for coaches, instructors and officials.

This course is designed to add value to your knowledge and understanding of good safeguarding practice.
