Introduction to Talent Development

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Introduction to Talent Development

Introduction to Talent Development

This eLearning CPD module is for coaches qualified to Level 2 (or equivalent) and above.

Everyone has an important role to play in developing talent. From recreational gymnastics right up to High-Performance, talent can be recognised and developed at any stage of an individual’s sporting life. Coaches play a significant role in creating positive environments where every gymnast’s potential can be realised. If you're more aware of talent development, you're more likely to be able to help your gymnasts reach their full potential!

Focusing on Age and Maturation, and Models of Development, the Introduction to Talent Development Module aims to give you an introduction to developing talent. The module explores current knowledge of talent development, factors affecting talent development, and how this might impact your coaching practice, therefore helping you to be more capable in your role as a coach. Reflective questions are also embedded throughout the module to help you to consider talent development in their own coaching practice and club.

Here’s some feedback we’ve already gained from this module:

It is a very useful piece of education for both recreational and performance coaches.'

‘I loved completing the course, it was interesting and engaging. I enjoyed listening to the voiceover and the videos were inspiring.’

‘I thought this had a lot of knowledge in and will be really useful to a lot of coaches. It wouldn't matter if they were in a recreational setting and wanted to know how their gymnasts were developing, or a coach that has talented performers and is looking at how best to help them progress.’

‘The reflective questions were very useful in guiding a coach's reflection and emphasising what aspects they should be focusing on when working on talent development in their clubs.’

‘Having a section to reflect did make me think about my own coaching practice, those of my colleagues and the clubs as a whole. It also made me reflect on my practice in recreational and competitive gymnastics as I work across the 2.’

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Course Outline
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Who is this Aimed at:

Coaches qualified to Level 2 and above.

What To Expect:

This CPD module consists of two eLearning topics, reflective activities, informative videos, and a knowledge check. There are also additional resources and further reading on the Academy Page to continue your introduction to talent development.

Delivery Method:

Self-paced online learning.


Approximately 2.5 hours to complete.


By the end of this awareness module, we hope you will:
- Understand the role we all play in talent development, and the variety of ways we can impact and develop this in our role.
- Know that age and maturation can influence talent development.
- Have an awareness of models of development Use this information to explore talent development in your coaching practice and reflect on the different models. 

How Will I Be Assessed:

There is a self-assessed knowledge review at the beginning and end of the topics so that you can assess how much you’ve learnt before and after you’ve completed the module. The module also contains a 10-question knowledge check for you to complete after the topic content.


BG Member: £11
Non-Member: £33

Pre Requisites:

Coaches qualified to Level 2 (or equivalent) and above (18 years or over).

Age and Maturation, and Physical Literacy
This section will look at:

- Stages of age and maturation.
- The components and importance of physical literacy.
- How age, maturation and physical literacy can influence talent development.
- Reflective questions to help you consider talent development in your coaching practice.

Model of Development
This section will look at:

- A variety of models of development.
- How models of development relate to stages of maturation, physical literacy and developing talent.
- Reflective questions to help you consider these models in your coaching practice. 

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