Love to Move Deliverer Training

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Love to Move Deliverer Training

Love to Move Deliverer Training

Love to Move is an age and dementia friendly seated movement programme developed by the British Gymnastics Foundation. The programme has its roots taken from gymnastics and uses specially designed coordination and bilaterally asymmetrical movement patterns, which are thought to have the effect of increasing a person’s cognitive reserve. Due to its primary focus being cognitive enhancement and engagement of older people, Love to Move is inherently different from other exercise programmes. Research on the programme to date has identified that Love to Move can make a significant impact on the quality of life for older people; and in particular, those living with dementia. Case studies are showing that many people are re-gaining the ability to engage with others and physical functions such as walking and feeding themselves. Deliverers, Carers, and family members have described some of the benefits for participants including; being more alert and communicative at the end of the class; feeling calmer and sleeping better; improved confidence, self-esteem, and well-being; improved balance and co-ordination; and feeling happier to mix and socialise with others.

"Delivering the Love to Move programme can be extremely rewarding. Seeing someone talk for the first time since coming to your sessions; watching them smile; seeing families reconnect; and hearing about the improvement in the participant's quality of life and that of their family, is a privilege. The classes are a lot of fun and close connections are built. The impact the sessions have on people's well-being is truly heartwarming." Love to Move Deliverer.

This training programme equips you to run sessions in Care Homes or community settings. It gives you the knowledge and understanding necessary to deliver the Love to Move sessions with no prior qualifications.

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Who is this Aimed at:

This training programme is aimed at anyone who wishes to support older people in their community. Current Love to Move deliverers come from many backgrounds such as community volunteers, care home staff, physio’s, occupational therapists, exercise professionals, carers.

There a no pre-requisite qualifications needed to enrol on this training programme, however, you must be over 18 years old and be able to show empathy for older adults, especially those living with cognitive diseases such as dementia and Parkinson’s.

What To Expect:

This is a blended training programme made up of tutor led modules, either face-to-face or online. The training gives you an awareness and understanding of dementia and how Love to Move can benefit people and their families living with dementia.

The course will equip you with the practical skills to deliver the programme through a series of learning styles including tutor -led practical delivery, video observation, workbook tasks and on-course practise. You will also gain an understanding of supportive techniques and ‘how to’ deliver skills. You will learn about the key elements of the programme and how they enhance wellbeing. You will be supported with how to deliver the class in your own setting or online with the provision of a lesson plan and music to guide delivery.

Once you have passed your Love to Move deliverer qualification you will be eligible to apply for a Licence to deliver love to Move sessions. There is an annual fee of £45 to maintain the licence.

Delivery Method:

The course includes the following components: 

  1. E-Learning modules: Dementia Awareness & Safeguarding Adults at Risk 
  2. 2 x Face-to-face days OR 4 x 3.5-hour online modules tutor-led (including on-course assessment of one section of the programme)
  3. Online mentoring accessed as needed post-course (to support learning of full programme)
  4. Final Assessment (to be requested once learner feels ready) – Full programme. The assessment will be either face to face or via video-link in your own setting with your own participants (minimum 3)


Face-to-face days:

  • Day 1: 7.5 hours
  • Day 2: 7.5 hours



  • Module 1: 3.5 hours
  • Module 2: 3.5 hours
  • Module 3: 3.5 hours
  • Module 4: 3.5 hours

Do I Need To Bring Participants:

Participants are not required for the training programme however you will be expected to practise with older people and have a minimum of 3 older people (65+) in your group for your assessment (unless you are delivering to a group living with Young Onset Dementia)

Do I Need To Find A Mentor:

You will be allocated a mentor from the British Gymnastics Foundation Love to Move team on completion of the tutor led part of the programme. They will arrange times suitable for you to meet up online and go over any parts of the programme you want clarification on. They will answer your questions and give feedback on your delivery to get you to the point where you feel confident to take your final assessment. There is no requirement for a mentor, but you are encouraged to take up the opportunity to build your confidence prior to assessment.

What Resources Are Included:

  • - Love to Move Resource book and workbook (hard copy)
  • - Online learning resources including Dementia Awareness and Safeguarding modules
  • - Love to Move music playlist (1950’s)
  • - Videos to follow and practise with
  • - On-going mentor support post-course
  • - Useful templates 

How Will I Be Assessed:

The assessment for this course has two parts: 

  1. On-course assessment to peers of one section of the programme with feedback from the Tutor 
  2. Completion of a final assessment once you feel ready. The assessor will usually observe your own session with your own participants via video link

How Long Before I Get Qualified:

The programme is designed to be completed within 6 months of the tutor led part of the programme. You can put in for your assessment as early as 2 weeks after completion of your course, but many people choose to take a longer time to practise


£350 per learner. This includes the four tutor led modules, pre-course e-learning, the Love to Move music on a phone app, Resource book and Workbook, online mentoring post-course, and your assessment.


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  1. Engage in discussion about the reality of delivery and understand the ‘How to’ skills needed to lead a session
  2. Identify, and be able to articulate key elements of the programme and how they benefit participants 
  3. Demonstrate competence in the delivery of one section of the programme
  4. Recognise your own strengths and areas for improvement and create a habit of reflective practise
  5. Understand supportive strategies to aid delivery
  6. Identify appropriate community or care home settings for a Love to Move class
  7. Identify risks and how to deliver safely

Pre Requisites:


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