Course Enrolment - Trampoline HelperRecreational Gymnastics

Course Enrolment

Trampoline Helper
Recreational Gymnastics

Delivery Method

1-day practical course with non-compulsory eLearning and discipline specific resources.

Course Costs

BG member £87
Non BG member £115

Number of days


Course dates and times

The following dates and times are for this course.
Day 1 | Practical08 Sep 2024 - SunThe Nuneaton Academy, Radnor Drive, Nuneaton, CV10 7DP (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00

Enrolment closing date

  • 07 Aug 2024

Further help and information

You can find out more about the course including outcomes, syllabus, skills and the pre-requisites, by going to our Online Course Prospectus

For enquires about the course please contact the organiser of this course: Name: Yan-Kay Cheung
Telephone: 07581351748
Send an email

Ready to book?

If you are happy with this course and are ready to enrol please click below.

Enrol Now

Terms and conditions

Please read our terms and conditions which includes vital information about this particular course and policies.
Terms & Conditions

Course reference: 24BG0733004
