Course Enrolment - L2 Certificate in Coaching Gymnastics (WAG)Women's Artistic

Course Enrolment

L2 Certificate in Coaching Gymnastics (WAG)
Women's Artistic

Delivery Method

Online, theory and practical delivery supported by mentored hours:

Before and throughout the course - eLearning activities

Day 1 - Classroom

Day 2 - Practical

Day 3 - Practical

Day 4 - Practical and formative assessment

Course Costs

BG member £565
Non BG member £689

Number of days


Course dates and times

The following dates and times are for this course.
Day 1 | Theory11 Aug 2024 - SunFromeside Gymnastics Club, Watleys End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1PW (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 2 | Practical18 Aug 2024 - SunFromeside Gymnastics Club, Watleys End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1PW (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 3 | Practical08 Sep 2024 - SunFromeside Gymnastics Club, Watleys End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1PW (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 4 | Practical15 Sep 2024 - SunFromeside Gymnastics Club, Watleys End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1PW (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 5 | Exam01 Dec 2024 - SunFromeside Gymnastics Club, Watleys End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1PW (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00

Enrolment closing date

  • 10 Jul 2024

Further help and information

You can find out more about the course including outcomes, syllabus, skills and the pre-requisites, by going to our Online Course Prospectus

For enquires about the course please contact the organiser of this course: Name: Yan-Kay Cheung
Telephone: 07581351748
Send an email

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Terms and conditions

Please read our terms and conditions which includes vital information about this particular course and policies.
Terms & Conditions

Course reference: 24BG10WA32661
