Course Enrolment - L2 Certificate in Coaching Gymnastics (WAG)Women's Artistic

Course Enrolment

L2 Certificate in Coaching Gymnastics (WAG)
Women's Artistic

Delivery Method

Online, theory and practical delivery supported by mentored hours:

Before and throughout the course - eLearning activities

Day 1 - Classroom

Day 2 - Practical

Day 3 - Practical

Day 4 - Practical and formative assessment

Course Costs

BG member £549
Non BG member £659

Number of days


Course dates and times

The following dates and times are for this course.
Day 1 | Theory28 Jul 2024 - SunRPC, Dundee, Mains Loan, Dundee, DD4 9BX (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 2 | Practical29 Jul 2024 - MonDick McTaggart Sports Centre, Old Glamis Road, Dundee, DD3 0NR (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 3 | Practical30 Jul 2024 - TueDick McTaggart Sports Centre, Old Glamis Road, Dundee, DD3 0NR (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 4 | Practical31 Jul 2024 - WedDick McTaggart Sports Centre, Old Glamis Road, Dundee, DD3 0NR (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00
Day 5 | Exam03 Nov 2024 - SunDick McTaggart Sports Centre, Old Glamis Road, Dundee, DD3 0NR (Get Directions)09:00 - 17:00

Enrolment closing date

  • 20 Jun 2024

Further help and information

You can find out more about the course including outcomes, syllabus, skills and the pre-requisites, by going to our Online Course Prospectus

For enquires about the course please contact the organiser of this course: Name: Scottish Gymnastics
Send an email

Things to note

You will find out more information about the course structure and requirements on our website:

1. You must be available to attend all course and assessment dates advertised. Only under exceptional circumstance can you reschedule your assessment or you will incur a fee as per the payment policy. If you are not able to attend any of the dates please contact before booking.

2. You must bring two or three gymnast demonstrators (three or four for Acro) on days two, three and four of your course and to your assessment.

3. If you are coaching within a Scottish Gymnastics member club, you must have SG & BG membership, a PVG record with Scottish Gymnastics and have a current Scottish Gymnastics Wellbeing and Protection award before working with children within the gym.

4. You must locate a mentor coach to work with who has a coaching qualification one level higher in this discipline.

5. The registration period for a level 2 course is two years from the course start date. It is your responsibility to ensure you have completed your course. elearning, logbook and your assessment within this period.

6. You are agreeing to the both the Scottish Gymnastics Education terms and conditions and payment policy by enrolling on to the course:

7. Find out more if you are eligible to apply for sportscotland coach education subsidy here:

8. The Scottish Gymnastics Level 2 courses are awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. On completion of the course level 2 you will receive the Sports Coaching Award SCQF Level 6.

Ready to book?

Enrolment for this course date is now closed. You can enrol on another date for this course.

Find alternative date

Terms and conditions

Please read our terms and conditions which includes vital information about this particular course and policies.
Terms & Conditions

Course reference: 24BG01WA32623
